Welcome to carefreecommunity.com where you can find current information
on the Carefree Community and Carefree Clubhouse events and activities
Carefree Office Hours
(November 1 to April 1)
Monday – Friday: 10 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: closed
Appointments can be made (see email addresses below)
Contact Information (Office)
Phone: (239) 731-8500 • Fax: (239)731-0055
ROCB Emergency Contact (Office)
(727) 573-9300
(Precedent Client Services/After Hours Emergency, Clearwater, FL)
Clubhouse Emergency Contact
(727) 573-9300
(Precedent Client Services/After Hours Emergency, Clearwater, FL)
HOA (ROCB/BoA) emails:
BOA (ROCB Board of Administration): ROCBboa@rocbfl.com
ROCB Manager - Candice Jackson:
Cjackson@precedentmgt.com OR ROCBmanager@rocbfl.com
ROCB Administrative Assistant – Gretchen Ortiz: ROCBadmin@rocbfl.com
CLUB (CCC/BoD) emails:
BOD (CCC Board of Directors): BoD@clubhousefl.com
CCC Manager - Candice Jackson:
Cjackson@precedentmgt.com OR clubhousemanager@clubhousefl.com
BoD Administrative Assistant: BODadmin@clubhousefl.com
Office Staff: BoDCSA@clubhousefl.com
Website E-Mail: Carefreeweb@clubhousefl.com
Mailing Address:
Carefree Office
3000 Carefree Boulevard
North Fort Myers, Florida 33917
Carefree does NOT have a Facebook page
Estoppel Certificates are required on ALL Owner transfers according to the ROCB Covenants and Restrictions 9.1. and the Rules and Regulations 4.7.
For all Estoppel Certificate requests, please call 239-731-8500, write to rocbmanager@rocbfl.com or complete the Estoppel Certificate Request form and submit to the Community Manager.
Please go to the online library for a complete listing of the ROCB governing documents.